If you hate your job, sometimes the best thing to do is quit. But, if possible, it’s best to quit your job on good terms with your employer. Keep in mind that the way you leave your current job could have an impact on your future employment. However, there are ways you can leave a job you hate while still being polite and professional.

For example, when you apply for a new position, hiring managers might contact your employer and ask if they would hire you back. If you leave your job on good terms, you might be able to get a recommendation from your boss.

It isn’t rude to quit a job via email if it’s done right. If you treat the situation with respect and write a polite resignation email, quitting via email isn’t rude at all.

What would make quitting your job via email rude?

Although quitting your job via email isn’t in itself rude, the way you quit could be perceived as rude. You may want to resign via email because you feel intimidated by your boss. It’s also possible that your boss is not in the same location as you.

Here’s how to quit your job via email without being rude:

  1. Keep your email short and professional. One short paragraph is more than enough to break the news about leaving your job.
  2. Include your name, job title, address, and phone number.
  3. Don’t write stories about why you quit. The details aren’t important, and they won’t change the simple fact that you are leaving your job.
  4. Include the effective day of your resignation. If today is your last day, include today’s date. And if your last day of work was yesterday, write yesterday’s date as the effective day of resignation.
  5. Thank your employer for the opportunity.

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It’s never rude to quit your job via email if:

  • Your manager is a bully – Do you think your supervisor will give you a hard time if you quit in person? Submit your letter of resignation via email to avoid conflict.
  • You want to avoid conflict – Quitting a job is stressful for everyone, especially for shy people. Don’t worry about what anyone tells you, if it’s too stressful to quit in person or on the phone, send your resignation letter via email.
  • You have to leave your job on short notice – Sometimes you might have to quit your job due to a personal emergency. No one should think you are rude to quit your job via email while you are dealing with a personal emergency.
  • You are a remote worker – If you work remotely, even if you wanted to, you couldn’t quit in person.

Is it wrong to send a letter of resignation to your boss via email?

It isn’t wrong to send a letter of resignation to your boss via email. Email is a perfectly acceptable form of communication in the workplace. Using email to quit your job is fine. After all, they probably used email to hire you.

Quit Job by Email

If you think about it, what other way should you quit if not using an email? Quitting a job in person is extra stressful. Also, it isn’t in writing; therefore, there is no record of what you said in person. Anyone telling you that quitting in person is the right thing to do is wrong. There’s nothing rude about using email to submit your letter of resignation.

Can I resign by email?

You can resign by email. The people who tell you it’s wrong to quit via email are not comfortable using email. But, that’s really not your fault. Is it?

How to resign by email?

Resigning by email is quick and simple. You can write a resignation letter and send it to your boss or the HR department.

Your letter of resignation is just a written record of your intent to leave your job. It’s an official letter of notice, and it’s not a way to say goodbye to your boss and your coworkers. So it should be okay; after all, you are not breaking up with your girlfriend.

After you send a letter of resignation to your boss via email, you can still personally meet with your boss and the other members of the team. Resigning through email doesn’t stop you from politely thanking them and saying good-by on your last day. On your last workday, you will have a one-on-one meeting with your boss for an exit interview. During your final official meeting, you can thank your boss for everything.

Sending your letter of resignation via email also makes sense when you are not on good terms with your employer. For example, when you are leaving a bad situation at work, it is not good to present your resignation to your boss personally.

Who knows what happens when you tell your boss that you are quitting? You might be verbally assaulted if your boss can’t handle it. However, when you resign via email, you don’t have to worry if your boss loses his temper when you resign.

Your boss might also try to insult you for quitting your job, ruining your plan to resign gracefully.

Remember that you have a business relationship with your employer. And in business, email is the preferred form of communication. There is no need to make things fancy when you quit your job. You are ready to resign from your position with the company, and you are emailing your letter of resignation. Sending a letter of resignation is a simple email communication that happens billions of times every day around the world.

Is quitting a job via email only 20-somethings do?

Quitting via email isn’t just for 20-somethings. People of all ages quit their jobs via email. That’s one of the beauties of at-will employment, isn’t it? Younger people might feel more comfortable quitting via email or even text message, but that doesn’t make it wrong. Realistically, who cares how you deliver the news to your company? If you send a respectful email, no one should have a problem with your resignation.

Can I quit my job via email effective immediately if I only worked there for one week?

You can quit your job via email effective immediately if you have only worked in your job for one week. You can quit your job via email regardless of how long you worked there. Your employer won’t be happy if you quit after one week, but quitting in person won’t make them any happier about your decision either.

All U.S. states are at-will, meaning you can quit at any time, and you can get fired at any time. It works both ways.

Think about it, what other way should you quit your job after one week? Would typing up a pretty letter on expensive paper change anything? If course not. Quitting in person after working in the job for a week won’t endear you to the company either. The fact is that you quit your job after only one week.

The most important thing is to submit your resignation in writing and to the appropriate person, normally your boss and HR.

If you email an employer and quit your job, will they email you back or is it just done?

If you email an employer and quit your job, they may or may not email you back. Some employers might email you back to acknowledge that you quit. But other employers might have an internal policy preventing their employers from responding to your email resignation. Especially, large employers might not respond because they don’t want to open themselves up to litigation down the road.

I have worked for large corporations that forbid their employees to deal with resignations, recommendations, etc. Everything had to be done through HR.

If you don’t get a response to your email resignation, you might want to send a hard copy to HR via email.

How to quit via email without notice?

It’s a simple process to quit via email without notice. Your email will serve as your formal resignation letter. The email resignation is more than sufficient for your employer and the human resources department. It is a written record of your intent to immediately leave your job.

Email to Quit Job

What to include in your email to quit your job without notice?

Start your email to quit with the date you plan to leave your job. If you want to leave your job without notice, you should include either today’s date or the next day you are supposed to report to work.

Keep your email short. Stick to the most important points. There is no need to get into the details of why you leave. Exclude any past conflicts or hard feelings from your email. At this point, none of that matters. The most important thing is to keep your email professional and free of emotions.

If you have any questions about your last paycheck (this is only an issue if you are not getting paid through direct deposit), include them in your email. Thank your employer for the opportunity. That’s it. It’s really that simple to submit your resignation without notice.

Should I resign by phone or email?

Some people believe it’s not good resignation etiquette to resign from your job over the phone. But, if you resign respectfully, you can do it by phone or email. The result is the same.

Sometimes, people can’t resign in person because they are away from their place of employment. However, you have no choice if you are physically away, and you must resign via email.

I believe it’s more professional to resign in writing than in person or on the phone. A phone resignation may seem more personal, but it isn’t in writing. Therefore, there is no record of what was said during the phone call.

Do keep in mind, if you tender your resignation via email or over the phone, your decision won’t win you any points with the company. Regardless of how you resign, your decision may cost you a reference.

Is it OK to send a resignation letter by email?

If you are thinking about quitting your job, you may ask: “Is it OK to email a resignation letter?” It is OK to email a resignation letter.

A great resignation letter sent via email will set the tone for your departure. If you send a professional resignation letter, you don’t have to sit down with your boss to break the news. Let’s face it quitting your job in person can be stressful.

The most important aspect of a resignation letter is a professional tone. With the right resignation letter, you don’t have to worry about damaging your relationship with your employer. And if you leave your job on good terms, they might even give you a good reference for a new job.

Email is quick and easy, which makes it one of the best ways to quit your job. Sending an email saves you the headache of facing your manager and potentially finding yourself in an uncomfortable situation.

So, it’s completely OK to quit with a letter you email your boss.

Even if you hate your job and despise your boss, you should resign gracefully because you may need your current employer for a reference. Leaving on good terms will make your life easier.

An email resignation is not only acceptable, but it’s also smart. As long as you send a graceful resignation letter, it shouldn’t harm your career. Your boss should understand that you need to quit your job, and that should be the end of the story.

An emailed letter of resignation can be especially helpful when you are quitting a job in a toxic workplace. Resigning via email is a great option if you are dealing with workplace conflict.

How to quit by email?

It’s easy to quit by email, but you should make sure your resignation email includes all the necessary details. A resignation email is a formal notification from you to your employer about your desire to quit your job.

Your resignation email should follow a standard format, including the following:

  • Subject – The subject of your resignation email should include “Resignation email (your first and last name). You can also include your employee number if you have one.
  • Greeting – Keep the greeting professional such as “Mr. or Mrs. (last name of your boss).”
  • Resignation email body – Keep this section short and to the point, such as “Please accept my resignation from (job title) as of (today’s date). You don’t need to get into the details. The resignation letter should include a long story about why you are quitting.
  • Closing – Thank your boss and politely close your resignation letter.
  • Employee information – Include your first and last name with your job title.

Make sure you only send the email to the HR department. But if the company doesn’t have an HR department, you can send your resignation email to your boss. So, as you see, you can quit via email fast and easy.

How to quit over the phone?

If you are considering quitting your job, you may ask: “How to quit your job over the phone?” It is simple to quit your job over the phone.

It’s easy to quit over the phone if you have a script in front of you. So, before you quit over the phone, write the script on your phone to make the process smooth.

Make sure your resignation script includes all the necessary details. The script will help you communicate a formal notification from you to your employer about your desire to quit.

Your phone script to quit your job should include the following:

Hi (Name of your boss or HR person),

“I am (your first and last name).

“Please accept my resignation from (job title) as of (today’s date). [You don’t need to get into the details of why you are quitting. This is not the time to get into a long story about why you are quitting.]

“Thank you, and have a nice day.”

Make sure you follow up your phone call with a resignation email or text message to the HR department. But if the company doesn’t have an HR department, you can send your resignation email to your manager. So, as you see, you can quit via phone is fast and easy.

Why is emailing your resignation letter a good idea?

Emailing your resignation letter is a good idea for several reasons. First, it’s a way to resign from your job without having to sit down with your boss. Let’s face it, it’s stressful to resign in person. And if your boss takes it the wrong way, you could find yourself in the middle of a workplace conflict.

Emailing a Resignation Letter

If you keep your resignation email professional, simple and polite, you set yourself up for leaving on good terms. Emailing a resignation letter is a great idea because you create a written record of your resignation.