What Does It Take To Be Successful?

1307, 2024

A Beginner’s Guide to Salesforce

Perhaps you’ve heard of their services, read positive reviews or know of brands who have utilized Salesforce with amazing results. But the question still remains: what is Salesforce? Well, Salesforce is the world’s number one Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform which is used by hundreds of thousands of companies across the globe. One of the reasons why it is such a successful service is that it is an entirely cloud-based system with comprehensive applications for sales, customer service, and marketing. If you’re new to the world of Salesforce and are wondering how it can help your business, here is everything [...]

1207, 2024

Secret Out – One Simple Tweak To Boost Your Google Rankings

[adrotate group="4"] Do you want to boost your search rankings? There is no big secret to SEO. Rather there are many little secrets. Here is one more for you. Google is now considering Secure Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTPS) as a ranking signal. What does that mean to you? You can improve your chances better rankings by using HTTPS throughout your site. HTTPS is the encrypted version of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Historically, we have only used encryption when transmitting sensitive information such as credit card numbers and other personal or sensitive information. When your site uses HTTP that [...]

1107, 2024

How to Stop Wasting Time and Succeed in Business

[adrotate group="4"] Of the many entrepreneurs I have talked to I have asked most of them the following question: "What's the biggest time waster for entrepreneurs?" Read below how some real entrepreneurs answer: Chad Parks - CEO of The Online 401(K) "So, I'm glad you asked that because for the last five years or so I've been actually looking at that myself, and really just try and get control of my schedule and figure out where my time is going and how can I be more efficient with it. And part of that answer is what I mentioned earlier which [...]

1007, 2024

How Businesses Can Save Thousands

The following is a sponsored post for Cartridge World. Do you know how much your company is spending on printing, printers, and consumables? Nearly 90 percent of businesses do not. Because most companies do not itemize managed print costs such as ink and toner, printers and service or printer maintenance, it is often overlooked. In reality, the trusty printer that sits quietly in the corner of the office is the third largest business operating expense behind rent and payroll. On average, small and medium size businesses waste thousands of dollars a year by not taking a strategic approach to purchasing, supporting, unifying [...]

907, 2024

Why should you choose to study online?

The following is a sponsored post for Excelsia College Online. Tertiary education is often viewed as simply the next step for fresh-faced high school graduates. However, with the level of diverse programs and courses available these days, this isn’t necessarily the case. A whole host of fantastic postgraduate and Masters degrees exist specifically to help professionals take their career to the next level, and it’s working. Take the Master of Business Administration (MBA), for example. Graduates of this popular program are proven to have higher earning potential and better chances of scoring that dream job. Likewise, graduates of the MBA are better [...]

807, 2024

Need Startup Capital? Consider the Home Equity Loan Way

Launching a new business is not a walk in the park, especially if you're an early-stage entrepreneur without a business plan and little money and, worse, has a bad credit score. To ensure your dream becomes a reality, find a credible financing source, including bank loans, credit cards, and micro-lenders who finance individuals with low credit ratings. However, some of these lenders, like banks, are not ready to finance startup ventures. Why? Because they are too green to run a business. They have little experience on their sleeves. So, banks are likely not to back them financially. This [...]

807, 2024

3 Steps to Buy the Best Domain for Your Website

[adrotate group="4"] Domain names may seem like just a URL in the search bar, but they are far more important. What makes it important, and what affect does it have on your website? A properly named domain and website will work in conjunction with search engine algorithms to draw attention to your website. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name. Consider Your Brand When buying a domain name consider what you do as a company. What are your branding factors? Your domain name should embrace your brand. For example, if you are running [...]

807, 2024

8 Key Actions to Take When Your Business Is Sued

[adrotate group="4"] What to do when your business is sued? It is imperative to understand what to do if your business is being sued. Whether you just started or have an established business, the reality of our legal culture is that any business can be sued at any time. Whether it is an unhappy customer, a disgruntled employee, a supplier, someone claiming he or she got hurt at your location or by your product, another business complaining about competition, even the government, are all potential plaintiffs against you. Thus, knowing which action to take upon learning you are being sued [...]

807, 2024

How to Become a Better Project Manager in 4 Steps

As one of the core roles in any business, project management is essential for every company. Whether your team’s working on a new software launch or redesigning processes, a solid and organized project manager can make all the difference. With that being said, not every project manager is created equal; some are more competent than others. To become a better project manager, you need to understand where you can improve and how to do so. If you’re looking for ways to become a better project manager, this post is for you. Read on for four helpful tips. Consider [...]

807, 2024

3 Ways to Simplify Accounting with QuickBooks Online

It is difficult to succeed in business. The more tools you have to help you succeed, the better your chances are of success. A great tool to help you with your accounting needs is Intuit’s QuickBooks Online. I wrote about the many reasons businesses fail; poor accounting practices is one of the top reasons. You are not in control of your business unless you have your books under control. If you don’t understand your numbers, you are going to make decisions based on false information. It is important to use a tool such as QuickBooks Online to help you with [...]

707, 2024

5 Tips for Improving Your Credit Score Quickly

Are you struggling with a low credit score? A bad credit score reduces your loan options, subjects you to high-interest rates, and lowers your chances of securing specific jobs. Read on for five strategies to improve your credit score fast. Be included as an authorized user Request a family member or friend whose credit card account has a good history and higher credit limit to include you as an authorized user. This will add your loved one’s account to your credit report, and their limit will help your utilization. You benefit from the primary holder’s excellent payment record by becoming [...]

607, 2024

The Significance of CPQ

The airline industry is not simply a major persona and employer in one country or continent. Globally the imprint of this industry touches individuals, businesses, and corporations. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in the first quarter of 2019 passenger airlines reported an after-tax, net profit of $$4.8T. This represented the 25th consecutive quarter of this sort of growth.[adrotate group="4"] It is easy to understand why airline revenue management through CPQ or Configure Price Quote technology is so important to the industry. This is essentially software that is designed specifically to assist companies with quote configuration. The technology perfects [...]

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