Are you struggling with a low credit score? A bad credit score reduces your loan options, subjects you to high-interest rates, and lowers your chances of securing specific jobs. Read on for five strategies to improve your credit score fast. Be included as an authorized user Request a family member or friend whose credit card...
Read More »Choosing to be self-employed requires taking a large step into the unknown. Instead of finding an employer who will pay you a regular salary every month, you are trusting yourself to make enough money to get by. While you have the opportunity to make lasting wealth, there is always the possibility that some...
Read More »You don’t need to pay off personal debt before starting a business any more than you need to get married before having a kid. Despite what societal norms and your mom say, reality says otherwise. I mean, is it better to welcome a kid into a home with parents who’ve vowed in front...
Read More »The American people are back to work. In fact, the unemployment rate is near historic lows at 3.7 percent. In the month of June, the American economy added nearly 225,000 jobs. Additionally, employee wages are up over 3 percent from the year prior. But, the question is: "What are pay stubs used for?" Payslips, check...
Read More »Interest rates and fees are undoubtedly the first aspects to check when applying for a credit card - but rewards and perks are a close second! And yet, only around 30% of credit card holders redeem their rewards or take advantage of the points they have accrued. Could this be because the credit card rewards game...
Read More »If you are an employee of Chick-fil-A, you might be wondering "How does Chick-fil-A pay, weekly or biweekly?" Chick-fil-A pays employees biweekly. That means you will get your wage deposited to your bank account every two weeks, instead of weekly. Does Chick-fil-A pay weekly? Chick-fil-A doesn't pay weekly. Although some people report that...
Read More »The importance of education in obtaining success in your chosen career cannot be overstated. A recognized professional degree from a reputable educational institution provides the added advantage one requires while starting a job apart from opening new opportunities in the industry of their choice. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that between 2016-2026, more than...
Read More »With nearly everything transitioning online, it’s no surprise that you can send money online through multiple channels. If you’re thinking of sending money online, check out the five best ways you can get that done. PayPal Starting life primarily as a payment processing service for eBay, PayPal is now one of the biggest players in...
Read More »Mortgages are as natural a part of American life as nearly anything else. We know the basics, like that we have to choose a low-interest rate and try to pay down the debt as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, suppose your credit score is meager, and you have a terrible history of making payments or...
Read More »It’s difficult to achieve privacy in a highly interconnected world. Anytime you use your cards to purchase services or products in brick-and-mortar shops, you can be sure that your information is being shared with your financial service provider and the company you are transacting with, among other entities. Online shopping, while convenient, is also...
Read More »With the right approach to earning mortgage referrals, you could win new clients in greater numbers and generate more income for your business as a result. This is easier said than done, so here is a look at why you should care about mortgage referrals and what strategies to use to secure them. Why...
Read More »A family limited partnership is a device that allows gifts to be made at discounted values for gift tax purposes. A partnership is a consensual association of two or more persons or entities to carry on a business for profit. Each partner is fully liable for the debts of the partnership. In a limited...
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