What does it take to build a blog valued at $3 million?
In 2005, Jim Wang started a popular personal finance blog, Bargaineering, that would later be valued at $3 Million dollars. Today, he is sharing all that he had learned on Microblogger.
Do you want to start making money as a blogger? Read my free step-by-step guide on how to start a blog.
Jim’s mission is to show you how to build a business today, so you can live life on your own terms.
Say hi to Jim at microblogger.com.
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INTRO: Hello everybody and welcome to the Success Harbor podcast with George Meszaros, where it’s all about making success happen for you.
Success Harbor: Hi Everyone. This is George Meszaros with Success Harbor and I have Jim Wang with me. Jim is the host of Microblogger. In 2005, Jim started a popular personal finance blog called Bargaineering that would later be valued at 3 million dollars. Jim’s mission is to show you how to build a business so you can live life on your own terms. Welcome.
Jim Wang: Thanks George. Happy to be here.
Success Harbor: Thank you for being here Jim. When you started Bargaineering back in 2005, what were your, what were your goals with the site?
Jim Wang: That’s interesting. Back in 2005, I didn’t really consider myself an entrepreneur or you know a business owner and if you can remember back to that time, most blogs were like personal journals and essentially how I arrived at starting it. I just started working a couple of years before that, you know I, when you get your first corporate job you get the huge employee handbook and especially if you’re just out of college, you don’t really understand about money management and 401Ks and all these acronyms. I also worked in the defense industry so there were even more acronyms on top of those acronyms and so it was kind of like a blurb and I thought, why don’t I, you know, I was, I did software so I was familiar with, you know coding and all that stuff and I soon stumbled upon a WordPress, installed it and said why don’t I just start a journal where I would just write down like my thoughts and most of them revolved around personal finances and that’s essentially how I started the site. It wasn’t, it wasn’t a, you know, I didn’t have a business plan. I never thought that I would quit my job to run it full-time. None of those things so in that regard I was actually exceptionally lucky.
Success Harbor: So it was kind of a hobby and it wasn’t even personal finance initially it was just about your life or things that were happening to you?
Jim Wang: Yeah. They all had some sort, some aspect of money involved in it I mean because so many of the things you deal with in life involve money and it wasn’t until later that I sort of focused it down on money management and personal finance specifically.
Success Harbor: So let’s say the first year, what were happening with Bargaineering? I mean what were you writing about? What were your thoughts about the whole thing? I mean it sounds like it was kind of a hobby, you didn’t really look at it as a business but can you share that?
Jim Wang: Yeah, it was completely a hobby. It was mostly you know, talking to other young professionals, because I was a young professional, college graduates just trying to figure out what to do with their money, trying to figure out how to save more, what budgeting was. I mean I didn’t budget before I got a real job so that’s basically what this site talked about.
Success Harbor: And we, go ahead, I ‘m sorry.
Jim Wang: I didn’t approach it like a business. It’s kind of funny but when I look back, some of the things that I did were smart but then I actually probably wouldn’t have done if I was treating it like a business because I would spend a lot of time like networking and talking and emailing most, not actually talking, but like instant messaging and emailing other bloggers and like building up friendships and just meeting people just for the sake of meeting them with no real objectives and looking back you know had I done it differently I probably would’ve been more precise in my networking or at least more organized and I was, I guess I got lucky there again too.
Success Harbor: Okay. It’s funny because I talk to a lot of bloggers that have you know achieved a lot of success and they’re telling me the same thing. You know, networking, reaching out and making real connections with other bloggers
Jim Wang: Yep
Success Harbor: And it sounds that like you were doing that but you weren’t really laser focused on the types of bloggers maybe that you
Jim Wang: Yes
Success Harbor: reached out to
Jim Wang: Yep
Success Harbor: So you did some of the like you said you did some of the things right but you weren’t really that proactive about it or strategic about it?
Jim Wang: Yep, well it’s so I’m a very analytical, like numbers-driven, statistical type of person so if I were doing it, if I were treating it like a business I would get a spreadsheet right and I first, I’d find the people who I want to talk to and I put them on the list and then I, you know I analyze, what’s the best way to reach out. Should I reach out on Facebook, Twitter, email? Should I you know go to an event that I know they’re going to and I’d just be a little more, proactive is not the perfect term. I’d be more of a, I can’t think of the term right now but like exacting, like strategic. I would, because your goal when you’re, obviously your goal of networking is to meet people and meet people who you can help and that can also help you and I was just meeting people haphazardly and when I think about it now like, that type of, being too precise and too calculating is, can sometimes be bad because when you’re actually talking to someone, interacting with them instead of being like a genuine person, like a nice person, in the back of your mind if you have a very clear objective there is, there might be a tendency, however unconscious, for you to sort of you know be the guide that when you’re at the networking event, immediately pulling out your business card and saying, “What can I do for you? What can you do for me?” instead of being like a good person and actually getting to know so I mean it’s a double-edged sword but you know I feel like in business you have to be laser focused. You have to be strategic and constantly be thinking about your process and improving it and so in that regard I wasn’t and but you know when you’re early on and you’re just starting off, it’s okay to not be super precise as long as you’re still going in the right direction.
Success Harbor: Yeah it’s funny because you know as long as you’re early, you know, I mean you were early, 2005 is when blogging pretty much started. I mean yeah there were other sites that had journals and things but that’s very early in the process so as long as you’re early make, I don’t want to say mistakes but you don’t have to be that great in marketing yourself I guess.
Jim Wang: Yeah, yeah, you could afford to make mistakes.
Success Harbor: Exactly.
Jim Wang: And they won’t cripple you.
Success Harbor: Yeah. So let’s talk about the point where you say you’re very analytical, so were you even looking at things like shares or you know likes or traffic and comments and any of those things to see, yeah this is going somewhere?
Jim Wang: Yeah so back then 2005 I, Facebook was obviously around but I think back then it was still relegated to, you had to be you know graduate a certain college and was still kind of solid so social media, Twitter, I’m pretty sure that Twitter did not exist or at least certainly wasn’t as.
Success Harbor: It was MySpace. 2005 was still MySpace.
Jim Wang: It was MySpace.
Success Harbor: more of a MySpace that a Facebook.
Jim Wang: And that was all mostly music. I mean when people are talking about it there were like you know bands and such were leveraging that more often than blogs but I mean so what we really cared about back in the day was just search traffic because that’s that was essentially the biggest channel for you to get traffic was through the search engines so there was a lot of SCO and building and I was focused on that level.
Success Harbor: Okay so even the first year you already had done some SEO for your site or not really?
Jim Wang: No, no, definitely not in the first year [00:07:04.22] Inaudible.
Success Harbor: So at what point did you start to get more strategic about SEO?
Jim Wang: Once I started getting search traffic so probably about a year later once. See back then, so much has happened in search, it can sometimes be difficult to remember but back then there was still that thought that there was the idea of a sandbox. Like the first year or 9 months or however long it was when you first started a site, back then, even if you were linked to and were getting crawls, Google just didn’t give you as much credit because you were still new. That’s kind of gone away, at least no one talks about it but it’s kind of gone away. I think that first year I was sandboxed and then it wasn’t until the following year that search traffic really started picking up and was beating out referral traffic from other blogs that I started taking a closer eye towards search and trying to understand what all that meant because when you think about SCO at least in 2005, like 90 percent of the stuff was fixing, like duplicate content, it was like e-commerce sites that you know had duplicate content because they were publishing from the same catalog of products and what not and so WordPress out of the box did 90 percent of on page SCO for you and you didn’t really have much else to do.
Success Harbor: Yeah. Yeah. I remember 2005 you could basically get a whole bunch of back links even if it was junk and you could get thousands of visitors a day you know, you didn’t have to be a genius to get traffic back then.
Jim Wang: Yeah. You know the meta-description tags were actually used, like you had to try to get into, you had to try to get into, was it an open directory like Yahoo and then it was Deemaz.
Success Harbor: So I want to go and talk about what happened after the first year but before we get there, if you started Bargaineering today, how do you think it would have to be different in terms of you know getting the word out and marketing yourself and even you know SCO, I mean we talked about you know it’s almost 10 years ago everything has changed so what would you have to do today to get traction?
Jim Wang: I don’t know what I would do today in terms of SCO but what I, to get traction and to get traffic I would have, I would go to social media and just figure out where, see every niche, or niche, I don’t know which way I’m supposed to say that word, but whatever niche you’re in
Success Harbor: Either way is fine.
Jim Wang: I’m going to go with niche because it sounds, in my head better, but so each one has a different, like they’re different social media sites that work well for each so, obviously like Pinterest, if you’re a food blog with gorgeous photos or any type of blog with gorgeous photos, Pinterest is an incredible tool. In some cases, Twitter is better than Facebook and other instances Facebook is better than Twitter so I would go out, you know try all the networks, build relationships with people who are using them, try to learn from them and use social media. That’s the quickest, fastest way.
Success Harbor: Okay. Now after about the first year, you know it sounds like you started to get a little bit more serious about Bargaineering or not that you weren’t serious before, but maybe it started to look more like something that was gaining traction so at what point did you look at Bargaineering as a business?
Jim Wang: When it started making a couple thousand dollars a month. Actually.
Success Harbor: So.
Jim Wang: When it was started making a couple hundred, I started thinking, huh, this is more than a hobby. This is something that could get a lot bigger and I started reading a lot more online, other blogs about Internet marketing and then once I made a few thousand I saw a path forward where I could quit my job and actually do this as a business.
Success Harbor: So let’s talk about the couple of hundred dollars because that’s very important to me because a lot of businesses fail very early, within the first couple of years, people give up and even a hundred dollars, even 10 dollars is a big deal I think initially just to get a proof that what you’re doing is worth your time, so how much traffic did you have at that point when you first started to make a little bit of money and how did you make money back then?
Jim Wang: So my traffic was probably maybe 3, 4, 500 links a day which I mean when I think about it still blows my mind that 500 people were visiting something that I was writing in the first place so I was, I was thrilled and that resulted in a couple hundred bucks of earnings because I was making it off AdSense and that was you know pay-per-click and it was generally a few cents per click. In finance it’s a little higher. I don’t remember the exact numbers but you know I would later on start other more hobby type of blogs and the earnings there were much lower on a pay-per-clip basis which makes sense I mean personal finance. I think why a lot of people fail is because they don’t see the path forward right. They feel like they’re doing, if they’re doing the same things over and over again they’re seeing no results, they don’t see a growth path then it can become very frustrating and easy to give up on something. For me I was still working a full-time job so this was a hobby on the side. I didn’t have the pressure of having to make money, like I didn’t have to make money or me to continue to do it. I still enjoyed it. I was still learning and it was a very exciting time of growth and education and I saw a path forward. I saw okay. I put AdSense on. It’s making a couple bucks a day. This is, I mean it’s awesome; I’m not going to quit my job. I started learning about affiliate marketing and how instead of you know having someone go in the way for dollar click they can go maybe they apply for a credit card, I get $50 a click. Now this starts getting interesting and I see a way forward where I’m not just doing the same thing over and over again for a hundred dollars a month. That wouldn’t be something I’d be interested in and no business owner should stop themselves at that you know that level. You don’t think I’m going to make a hundred bucks a month for the rest of my life and this is a quote on quote business so I saw the path forward and then you know I just kept learning as I get more traffic, more traffic means more people are seeing it.
Success Harbor: And so how much, how many years were you into Bargaineering when you started to make a few hundred dollars a day?
Jim Wang: I was about, a few hundred dollars a day.
Success Harbor: Yeah because at 3, 400 dollars a day you know when you started to make some money with AdSense because you started in 2005 right?
Jim Wang: Yeah.
Success Harbor: So at what point did you start making some money and you know I’m not talking about thousands of dollars yet?
Jim Wang: I think.
Success Harbor: So maybe.
Jim Wang: It was maybe like about two years in that I was making a few thousand a month.
Success Harbor: Okay.
Jim Wang: Like 3, 4, 5 around that.
Success Harbor: Yeah. That couple of years that sounds pretty you know I’ve interviewed a lot of bloggers and the 2 year mark is a very important mark. I mean I’d love to actually you know dig deeper in what happens in two years but I don’t know if it’s, just you know, you get links by then or you get some other you know content, you have enough content on the site.
Jim Wang: Yeah.
Success Harbor: I don’t know what it is but the two-year mark is a very important mark so by about a couple of years into it you start to make some money but not enough money to quit your job. So what were you doing then to grow Bargaineering more? Was it just doing more of the same or did you also change some of your strategy?
Jim Wang: So there were two things that changed. One was I became more diligent in getting guest posts because that’s back then, what would that be, 2007, that’s when, no one was really talking about guest posts as a link building methodology or approach and it wasn’t done on the scale that it is you know today or a year ago because you just go to your other blogging friends and you just link back to your own articles with keywords and it would be very specific and no one thought it was bad because no one said it was bad and that helped Search tremendously. The other thing I did was keyword research on the content production site. Up until then I just wrote whatever I was interested in, whatever was happening in my life. Well, as I soon realized that each of the articles, each of the blog posts I was writing was essentially a seed right. You take a bunch of grass seeds and you go out on your lawn and you throw all of them, right. You don’t put one down and go to the next one and put another one down. You just throw as much seed as you can and the ones that grow, grow and the ones that don’t, no problem you try to learn what went wrong and so that’s what I started doing with blog posts is I would do keyword research and I would write articles that were specific to various keywords to try to get them to rank and then convert with various offers on those pages and I would just pick different industries. I started with credit then went into banking, did credit scores, all these areas I felt like I could be as a smaller set be competitive and I avoided areas that I didn’t think I could be competitive. For example mortgages and insurance are two extremely competitive areas that I didn’t think I could you know have any success in so I didn’t, I didn’t do those but.
Success Harbor: Okay so do you think guess posting this year still something viable as a strategy?
Jim Wang: I would not do it for link building. I would do it to gain a greater audience. What I do now is when I write a guest post. First of all, a lot of places are about much more careful who they let guest post and so they’ll also be careful about what you link to in the articles so no keyword rich, money keyword rich links and posts but I don’t think doing that has much value anymore unless you’re a huge brand and this is one of like a couple thousand links that you’re building. I instead when I write an article just have a byline link that goes back to my site that just says, Jim writes about, and in the case now with Microblogger, I write about entrepreneurship and building a blog and building a business so I say, if you want to read more tips about building your own business or building your own blog sign up for our free newsletter and the free newsletters linked up or it says click here to sign up for the newsletter and instead it just goes back to a page, a lending page or micro-blogger that lets them sign up for a newsletter and I don’t want it for the length necessarily like the length of equity. I want the people who are interested to come back and sign up and so I can reach them again later with that guest post so it’s about audience growth and not search engine optimization.
Success Harbor: Okay, so then a few years into Bargaineering, I actually, I meant to ask you how long did it take for you to quit your job into Bargaineering, how many years from ’05?
Jim Wang: Three years. I quit in 2008.
Success Harbor: So in 2008, you’re site made enough money or more money than what you’d been earning I guess from your job and you said, yeah I’m going to take the plunge and go all in?
Jim Wang: Yep.
Success Harbor: And did anything change at that point or were you just really looking at Bargaineering as a business and just be very strategic about all the content that you created and how you reached out and how you marketed your site?
Jim Wang: Yeah so what I was, quitting my job the site was making far more than my day job and I was spending 8,9,10 hours a day at my day job, which I enjoyed. The hardest part of quitting my job was that I enjoyed it and you hear a lot of stories where people hate their jobs and they’re always looking for a way out and I was a special case where I was fine with my job. The people were good. I loved working there but it just didn’t make any sense anymore and to convince myself that quitting was the right choice, because it had done so well without me working on it full-time that I thought I need to chart a path and figure out what am I going to do with this extra time and be, you know how do I think about strategy and be smarter about it so that I’m not quitting a job just because I want to sit at home for more hours but I’m doing it for the right reasons and yeah so I became a lot more strategic and I chartered out all the time that I was going to spend, how I was going to use it, how I was going to grow it and just have a path forward.
Success Harbor: Okay and so by 2000, was it 2012 or ‘13 when the sale of your business was completed? To, you said, you, actually I read this online that [excuse me], your business was valued about 3 million dollars with an additional earn out of 500,000 dollars and did you seek out someone to sell to or did someone seek out you, seek you out I’m sorry?
Jim Wang: There was a period of consolidation in personal finance blogging where there were these large corporations that bought out a bunch of personal finance sites so I was just part of that, sort of that wave.
Success Harbor: Okay and did they have to convince you to sell or did you think you were ready to do this, you were really ready for it or did they have to do a lot of convincing to convince you to sell your site?
Jim Wang: I think at the time I was ready. I mean it’s sort of tough to say because it’s a, it’s like a good decision either way. If someone offers you an X dollar amount for something you can’t, it’s never a bad thing and I don’t, I thought it was a good process and so I liked the end result.
Success Harbor: Okay and after you sold did you take time off or did you immediately want to start something else? What was, first of all how did it feel to sell? I mean you did something that most people are unable to do, to build a multimillion dollar blog, how did that feel and then how long did it take to you know start something else?
Jim Wang: It was like half exciting, half sad because the thing that I had spent the better part of five years thinking about all the time and like being excited about and learning and all this other good stuff was no longer mine and so it was kind of a little sad in that way. In terms of starting new things, I wanted to start something new almost immediately and I think once you get that bug, that entrepreneurial bug and you have all these ideas and you just want to try to get the minimum viable product out there to see if it resonates. Yeah I wanted to start something the next day. I wanted to catch that like excitement back of like waking up in the morning. I mean and now I have kids so kids got to replace that excitement or at least temper it a little bit but yeah back then you know you always want, you always want to be working on something and you want it to be your something and not someone else’s project if that makes sense.
Success Harbor: Yeah, yeah and so did you start Microblogger right after or did you start something else?
Jim Wang: No, so I started Microblogger last year so it was a short while later. What’s interesting was I actually registered Microblogger six months after I registered the Bargaineering domain because I thought it would be fun and I just never did anything with it. So yeah Microblogger was last year’s, it was a couple of years before I started something new.
Success Harbor: Okay and how are you building Microblogger differently from Bargaineering or is the experience different at all?
Jim Wang: The experience is different because the tools that are available to you are different. I leverage social media far more than I did with Bargaineering, dabbling in podcasting and that’s been an extremely fun experience. I love talking to people so when you emailed me and you asked me to come on I thought this would be a lot of fun and so I, back then 2005 no one was, very few people were podcasting, you know the technology just wasn’t, today you use Skype, it’s free. You have Call Recorder that’s also free. You just have to buy a mic, a decent microphone and you’re off and running. A lot of the editing audio editing software comes out of a box for free if you buy a MAC so it’s a wonderful tool. I mean if you have a site and if you have a blog or any business really and you can start getting into podcasting I think you’d gain a big advantage.
Success Harbor: Yeah I mean I agree. I think any business even if you install blinds you know.
Jim Wang: Yeah.
Success Harbor: You could benefit from a blog.
Jim Wang: I would get into YouTube. I would get into videos too. I haven’t because the, I don’t know, I haven’t had enough time to really investigate it but if you were installing blinds or you were a blind installer or you sold blinds you could do all sorts of like tutorials and useful tools like that, that when someone searches for any how-to stuff, YouTube is always first or second.
Success Harbor: Yeah I think especially because you know in those areas personal finance is a very crowded place and it’s crowded for a reason. There’s a lot of money to be made in that area but you know there is a lot of other areas that’s every underserved when it comes to you know.
Jim Wang: Yeah.
Success Harbor: Online presence so you know if people like that with those kinds of businesses, I think there are so many opportunities today. So let’s talk about social media. What channels are you utilizing for Microblogger, because obviously there are so many of them out there and you can’t focus on everything, so what works for you?
Jim Wang: I use Facebook and Twitter. I’m not very good with social media because with Bargaineering I didn’t, I didn’t use it a ton and so I’m still learning it and understanding it and Facebook I’m trying to get involved in as many groups as I can that are sort of Internet marketing and I’m doing it in a way, I’m not joining Internet marketing groups or blogging groups. I’m joining groups that are you know filled with a specific type of blogger, whether it’s like a lifestyle blogger or deals blogger or writers or whatever and going to those places because that’s where you’re going to find new people, like people who you didn’t know already. You can’t go to the same. If you go to an Internet marketing group it’s going to be the same group of people as you. You want to try to branch out and meet different and new people.
Success Harbor: Yeah, yeah that makes sense. So what are some of your goals for Microblogger? I mean it’s still very new, you know, you started last year. What would be a successful micro-blogger to you?
Jim Wang: I think that changes all the time and for me it’s I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about the super long-term goals. I think a successful, I’m always constantly trying to learn and so sometimes I do things because I think they’ll be fun and because it could be good learning process so for example starting the podcast and you know getting up to you know I think, getting up to I think the high 20’s number of episodes, you know thousands of downloads, it’s reached, I don’t know where it would be if I set a goal. I don’t know what number I would’ve picked because I don’t have an informed way of picking you know number of downloads that I’d love to see. Obviously a large number would be better than a small one but I’ve just been enjoying that process and so I’ve been doing that. I want to put out some sort of product so I sent out a survey to the people in the newsletter, who read my newsletter to see what they would want me to produce and so make a product, do the podcast, meet interesting people and for the most part, have fun. I don’t have any revenue targets for it because I feel like that, I’ve never liked to judge my progress based necessarily on this end goal, especially not an end goal of how much revenue it’s making but instead I like to look at the process that I’m going through and whether I’m learning and growing and getting better every day and as long as I’m doing that I feel like progress is being made and so that’s how I like to look at my goals.
Success Harbor: Yeah well what are you using to look at your downloads? What app are you using?
Jim Wang: It’s a, so all the podcasts are being uploaded to Lipsin and they’ll tell me how many downloads they get.
Success Harbor: Okay, sounds good. I have some general entrepreneurial questions for you. One of them has to do with the first 12 months in business because to me you know with Success Harbor, I’m very focused on, you know trying to focus on the first couple of years of business because I, it’s so important and so many businesses fail, so what do you think, what do you think is the most important thing for an entrepreneur in the first 12 months of being in business? What do you think that person should especially focus on?
Jim Wang: I firmly believe in the lean start-up mentality and so even before you open your doors or whatever you’re doing try to do whatever you can to prove out the model and by that, you know, if you’re selling blinds right, try to go door to door and sell blinds. Do the minimum you could possibly do to figure out whether or not you’re cut out for that business because so many people. What happens is you get this idea in your head like and it sounds fun because you’ve never actually done it and you’ve never faced the challenges that the people who have actually done the work face every day and so you have this romantic view of a business in your head and then you get into it and then you start putting money and that becomes a sudden cost but you don’t, you’re not able to pull yourself away because you see the sun cost and you keep pushing forward, forward, forward. Perfect example is everyone thinks it’s fun to own a bar or restaurant right because you think of like shows like Cheers or other things where you always have fun in a bar, why not, it’s like you’re constantly throwing a party but in reality starting a restaurant or bar is miserable if you ask anybody who’s ever started a bar or restaurant and so it’s trying to force yourself to get into the mentality of making those decisions and doing the work without having to put in the huge financial investment. Something that most entrepreneurs fail at, they don’t actually make themselves go through the decision-making process. So, if you don’t want to be such a failure at everything in life and in business, make sure to go through the decision-making process.
Success Harbor: Okay. What do you think is the biggest time waster for entrepreneurs?
Jim Wang: That’s probably email and social media and surfing the web. It’s distractions. It’s going down, chasing the next shiny thing and being able to focus is huge and so to the extent that you can reduce the number of distractions and you know build yourself a work day where that doesn’t happen as often. That’s what I think is the biggest.
Success Harbor: If you had a friend or maybe someone in your family that currently had a job but saw your success as an entrepreneur and they said, Jim I want to be successful, help me. What would be the first thing you would teach that person?
Jim Wang: That’s a good question. I would, actually, I would teach them how to implement make that lean start-up mentality of what’s the idea you want to do. Let’s go through and think about all the questions that you should be able to answer before you spend any money on it and you know it’s not because you know my experience is extremely limited. I started a blog right that did well in part because it started early. Certainly I learnt a lot through the process and could impart some wisdom about it but ultimately I think just having a more analytical mind was the only thing that I brought to the table in terms of the success of the site and so I think that’s what I would try to offer a friend or family that said, hey I want to try to do what you did. I said okay let’s sit down and talk through what you want to do and then maybe out of that we’ll figure out, alright these are the skills you need to learn and I can’t teach you because I probably don’t have them but this is what you need to learn before you get started.
Success Harbor: That’s good advice. I’m pretty sure you looked up my site Success Harbor and if you have any suggestion for me to improve my site, I would appreciate your thought.
Jim Wang: I don’t know anything off the top of my head but I did, what I did was I, from what I remembered because I looked at it last week when we were scheduling it, I remember thinking that the, you have a carousel at the top right where it changes who your
Success Harbor: Well I do change it when I put a new interview on. I do change that part so it doesn’t, it’s not like a slide show but it does change at least a couple of times a week.
Jim Wang: But it’s not always the latest one right?
Success Harbor: It’s always the latest one and there are a couple of other lists. There’s one under it with some thumbnail photos of some previous interviews and some longer lists under it.
Jim Wang: Oh what I was going to say, I think what happened was I was scrolling through the various guests because I had seen someone I knew and I forgot who it was but I remember thinking that the one that you had at the top was sometime someone new and then sometimes it was one way in the past like a month or so ago, maybe not a month, a couple of pages back, actually I was going to say that that was a good, that’s a smart idea to not always have the latest one at the very, very top and sort of cycle through , just to give your older podcasts some more life.
Success Harbor: Yeah, yeah. I mean right now I have so much content and I think a lot of bloggers have the opposite problem that you don’t have enough it’s just that I’m trying to actually you know I mean I want to make videos, you know I transcribe, you know, I haven’t done everything, but you know there’s just so much content there’s only so much time to do it but you know, just, I’m trying to come up with many more creative ways of using that unique content that I generate here all the time. So anyway, I like to ask that of people who had success such as you because you know I want to learn as well so I do appreciate it. How can people connect with you or find out more about Microblogger?
Jim Wang: They can come to microblogger.com. You can also reach me on Twitter. My handle is @wangerrific and you, email me, jim@microblogger.com. I’d love to hear from everybody and happy to help out whenever I can.
Success Harbor: Well thanks for coming on Success Harbor and everyone go and check microblogger.com out and hopefully you can come back maybe in a year or so and give us an update on Microblogger.
Jim Wang: Sure.
Success Harbor: Where you are and what progress you made and I’m sure we can learn a lot more from you then too. Thank you.
Jim Wang: I’d love to. No, thank you George.
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