A team inbox is an email management solution that equips companies with the ability to manage all of their customer-facing emails on one platform. A single inbox allows businesses to resolve tickets faster because teams are able to see who is working on what.

In the absence of a simple mailbox, sending timely emails becomes difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating.

6 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Shared Inbox

Only the best team inbox management solutions will lead to an improved customer retention rate and an increase in profits, so make sure you find one with the following features.

1. One View For All Emails

Instead of separating your time between multiple emails, a single inbox gives you a total overview of all customer tickets and their status updates. Your agents can now access and manage all customer-facing inboxes and assign tickets to different teams and individuals.

Tracking your emails also becomes simple. A shared inbox makes ticket prioritization and collaborative teamwork possible because it streamlines the entire customer support process.

2. Encourages Team Transparency

When your team’s emails are scattered across multiple addresses, it can be easy for others to deflect blame without diagnosing the problem. A shared inbox makes that situation virtually impossible because it creates transparency through collaborative emailing and ticketing.

For this to work, all support agents must have clarity on what needs to be done by whom. Proper delegation and understanding of the support process also improve performance.

3. Automated Messaging

Some customers will send multiple emails at a time because they’re unsure if your team received their messages. At the same time, customers expect companies to reply in under an hour to their emails, further confirming you need automated messages to stay competitive.

A shared inbox allows teams to send out an automated message instantly that confirms their email was received and that an agent will reply to their comment as soon as possible.

4. Split Complex Tickets

No agent will be able to answer every question, but when a complex ticket arrives in their inbox, they may be tempted to. However, if your agent doesn’t know the answer, they may provide an incorrect response or take too long to reply. Both examples won’t reflect positively on your staff.

A team inbox gives your agents the ability to separate complex tickets into small, more manageable child tickets, which can be given out to colleges who are experts in a subject.

5. Restrict Access by Setting Permissions

One common problem that comes with a shared inbox is security. Thankfully, your system administrator can easily set up different permissions and roles for each user and organize them into teams. Doing this will also help everyone manage their roles, tasks, and assignments.

You may or may not want to grant permission to act on a ticket. It’s up to your discretion, but we recommend locking tickets when a user takes one to avoid conflicting information or confusion.

6. Organize Customer-Facing Emails

A single inbox makes it simple for system administrators and managers to manage emails. Since all emails can be accessed and viewed on one screen, they can organize tickets by adding labels based on urgency, prevalence, department, quarry-time, agent, and more.

The only way for your team to stay productive is by establishing a set plan. When managers organize queues, everyone understands what needs to be done, leading to an efficient team.