When you are starting a fashion blog there are numerous choices at your disposal. When you first begin to research all your options you may feel overwhelmed by the choices. There is hope, others have gone before you, and tried and tested many blogging platforms.
I personally recommend using WordPress for your fashion blog, and more specifically the self-hosted option. However, there are some things to consider when thinking about which blogging platform you will use, and a little help on how to start a fashion blog.
Why is WordPress is the best platform for your fashion blog?
You may be asking yourself, what is a blogging platform? A blogging platform is essentially the engine that helps you manage your content. So this is a platform you will use to edit, publish and manage content. The blogging platform you choose is important because it will have a long-term impact. It is important to select a blogging platform that will be able to grow with you as a blogger. You might start out on a free blog platform that works well today. But, as your blog grows, free platforms will end up hurting your business. The free platforms are limiting. You are better to start a fashion blog built on WordPress because it will grow with your blog. I recommend self-hosted WordPress hosted on Siteground. I have used Siteground for years, and they are a solid hosting company.
Reasons WordPress is best for fashion bloggers
For starters, I am using WordPress on my own blog. While you may have several options available for blogging platforms, I recommend WordPress. There are multiple reasons to use WordPress, amongst which is that it is used by 27% of the top ten million websites globally. If that many people are finding success with it, then who am I to argue! Aside from the success of others using WordPress, there are some very real reasons I recommend it for starting a fashion blog.
Does WordPress work for fashion bloggers?
WordPress is an open platform, which means it can be customized in any way to suit your blog needs. You can make your content look exactly as you wish it to look, without having to fool with preset templates. If you want a template, because you’re not great at web design, there are many WordPress themes for you to choose from. Due to the flexible nature of WordPress, you are able to truly customize your blog. If you’re not a techie, no worries, with WordPress, you don’t need to be. If you don’t feel comfortable installing your own WordPress blog you can hire someone to help you. This way you can be sure the blog you start is exactly what you want it to be. You can add plugins, media of all sorts, e-commerce, testimonials, and various other things that you may need as you start a blog. The open design really allows for so much flexibility, it can’t be beaten.
Keep your fashion blog simple with WordPress
Aside from being an open platform, WordPress is also a simple platform. It’s easy to use as a reader or a blogger. So those who visit your site will have no problem navigating it. Site navigability is essential as you are beginning to blog. It will ensure repeat visitors to your site. Easy manageability is vital for you as you start a blog because soon you won’t have time to be trying to design or redesign your pages! The WordPress analytics are easy to understand. WordPress also makes it simple to start and manage a blog. WordPress offers features like one-click publishing and scheduled posting. So if you need to publish something immediately, or create a cue of articles to be published you have both options available. WordPress is a responsive system, meaning that it is mobile optimized. So when you use the WordPress platform your blog will automatically be mobile phone compatible. Having mobile compatibility is key to starting a successful blog since fifty percent or more of your readers might be using a mobile device to read your blog.
Set up your fashion blog for free on WordPress
Unlike some other content management systems, WordPress is always completely free! This helps when you don’t have a lot of money to invest in starting a blog. As an open-source blog platform, there is no charge to use WordPress. You can buy plugins to add to your WordPress blog. Many of which will help you improve the content, help drive traffic, or in general make your blog better. If you do choose to pay for the plugins they are cheaper than other alternatives.
How to start your fashion blog?
Since now you’ve come to the same logical conclusion as most bloggers and have decided WordPress is the way to go, here is how you get started. You head on over to my How to Start a Fashion Blog: Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners blog post. You can start a blog even if you have no experience. All you need is a bit of time and little money to sign up for a hosting account.