There are some considerations you should make when considering how to start a fashion blog, one of those would be choosing a name. Choosing a domain name for your blog is one of the single most important decisions you can make.
The name you choose when you start a fashion blog can be a huge promotional tool. Naming is important because it gives your future readers a quick peek into the subject matter you will dazzle them with. However, it’s important not to just choose any name that might seem relevant.
Here are a few pointers on how to choose an appropriate, catchy, and ultimately brilliant blog name.
What’s a catchy name for a fashion blog?
The one thing that everyone who owns a domain on the internet agrees on, is that the naming must be memorable. While you want the name to be appropriately tied to your content, you also don’t want it to be boring. It should be catchy without being pushy. Since it’s the first glimpse into your blog topic, you want it to be intriguing too. I recommend doing some quick research. When I write I always use a thesaurus, and this has helped me with naming more than once. So if you are blogging about fashion, there are many synonyms for the words fashion and fashionable in a basic thesaurus. A play on any one of them could give you a brilliant name! Make sure it’s memorable without being overly complicated. So if I were blogging about fashion, I would spend a lot of time coming up with a super creative name. It’s simple, easy to remember, and it ties the content to the name in a way that gives people a quick look into the subject.
Research before starting a fashion blog
Research is one of the greatest tools you have when starting a fashion blog. You can find out what others have said about your blog topic, you can find a way to differentiate yourself, and most importantly you can find out other blog names; so you can make yours unique. Research gives you the ability to expand your blogging niche, and take your blog’s name to the next level. This is where you will find out if someone has already named their blog the same as you’d like to name yours. It’s also how you will learn if your blog name and topic are too similar to blogs that already exist. I recommend brainstorming a few name ideas before you begin to research. This will let you know if there are already blogs using those names, or names which are similar. You will then have the ability to change your blog name, and set it apart from others.
Keep it simple when starting a fashion blog
While you want your blog name to be memorable and unique, you don’t want it to seem as though you’re trying too hard to be witty. The most important thing to do when starting a blog is to not overthink it. People can sense when you’re being genuine, so it’s best to stay true to who you are when you’re naming your fashion blog. Overthinking the name, and making it overly complicated can be detrimental to your ability to draw followers to your fashion blog.
What’s a good name for a fashion blog?
While no one actually agrees about how long your blog name should be, I recommend keeping it short, simple, and true to who you are. In doing this, you make sure not to overcomplicate your blog name, which will make it easier for your readers to remember and find. When you start a fashion blog, remember that people cannot find a name they cannot remember, so if you’re going to err do it on the side of caution and keep it simple.
A good blog name is a cornerstone to driving traffic to your blog site. It will work in conjunction with an alluring topic and SEO to create a base of followers for you. Make sure that as you consider your blog name you keep these simple tips in mind as you go forth to name your fashion blog.