Many companies are adopting eco-friendly approaches to save money, take advantage of tax credits, and help the environment. Intelligent and dedicated people in the private sector worldwide are deepening green roots in the economy. This guide presents nine simple ways a small business can go green.

1. Go for green hosting 

Some web hosting providers apply eco-friendly practices and operations to help the planet. Consider switching to a green hosting provider. This way, you ensure that you’re sourcing from an environmentally-friendly supply chain and not contributing to global warming. 

A prime example of an eco-friendly web hosting service is GreenGeeks. They harness the power of green energy and put 300% of their annual energy consumption back into the grid. 

2. Reuse and recycle 

Reuse as many office supplies as possible and pay special attention to ink cartridges. Recycle laptop batteries and give old computers, printers, and monitors to recycling agencies. 

3. Save electric power

Saving electric power is a crucial measure because power plants are one of the main sources of carbon emissions. What you can do:

  • Go for LED bulbs (can save up to 50% in bills)
  • Turn off lights and equipment when not using
  • Use energy-efficient equipment
  • Get an energy audit to raise energy efficiency
  • Make the most of natural lighting

4. Grow and promote an eco-friendly culture

Promote an eco-friendly culture throughout your business. Make your team part of eco-friendly initiatives. For example, you can encourage your staff to track their sustainability efforts at home and offer some reward every time they achieve a goal.

You can follow other businesses’ examples to save time and money. If there is a successful green business in the area, approach them for tips. 

Get your team involved in green initiatives by asking for input and setting sustainability targets together. You can have employees form committees to brainstorm approaches and strategies and measure outcomes. 

Even a simple leaderboard can help your business increase its environmental impact and boost team morale.

5. Decorate with plants 

Plants would be a nice addition to your office, both inside and outside. Plants make spaces more beautiful, which promotes morale. Green is a soothing color and seeing it can relieve stress. You will create a more productive and peaceful work environment. 

Professional decoration and landscaping make a great first impression on potential clients or partners. Plants improve air quality, which can help reduce sick days and promote a healthier office in general. If a professional interior decorating or landscaping service is not within budget, use decoration as a team-building opportunity. Your team can decorate the office or create a garden as an independent project. The environmental impact will be positive either way. 

6. Don’t travel; video chat 

Road transport accounts for 75% of transport-related carbon emissions. What’s more, you don’t have to meet your clients face to face. You can use video chat and video conferencing apps, some of which are free. This will save your business money and time as well. 

7. Don’t throw away, donate 

Donating items is a crucial way to reduce waste. If you have any extra products or supplies, see if any schools, charities, community aid programs, or churches can redistribute them. Ask local programs if they will take large items like furniture and electronics. For example, the local library might want your old reception couch.

You’ll not only reduce waste but also improve your small business‘s reputation in the area. What’s more, distributing items with your logo or trademark is a form of free advertising. 

8. Use green alternatives to cleaning products

Start using green alternatives to products you use every day, like detergents. Green cleaning products are healthier for people and better for the planet. You don’t need to buy organic cleaning products; they’re quite expensive but not difficult to make. All you need is baking soda, white vinegar, and acidic fruit in most cases. If this isn’t viable, look for EPA-approved labels to determine whether a cleaning product is green. 

9. Switch to environmentally-friendly packaging 

Plastic packaging accounts for around 5% of solid waste. Consider alternatives to plastic dividers and Styrofoam packaging, like biodegradable or recyclable materials.