As a small business owner, you need to consider the cost of registering your trademark. There are federal trademark costs and state trademark costs. Generally, state trademark costs less than filing for federal trademark protection.

When you start a business you might decide to trademark the name of the business or the logo. The name of your business and your logo will differentiate your business and investing in trademark protection is a smart investment.

Registering a trademark gives you added protections It can prevent competitors from using your name or logo. Trademark registrations can be expensive if you hire an attorney. In this post, we will describe the cost to trademark a logo or a business name. We will also share the minimum cost to file for a US federal trademark registration.

How much does it cost to register a trademark?

Most trademark fees are calculated on a per class basis. You have to pay for each class of goods and services in the registration.

The federal trademark application fee for electronic filing:

  • Option 1: TEAS Plus* – $250 per class of goods or services
  • Option 2: TEAS Standard – $350 per class of goods or services

TEAS Plus is designed for simpler and faster trademark registration.

To file a trademark for a logo or a name would could you between $250 and $350 each, plus legal fees. If you want to register a trademark in your state only, it might cost less, but federal trademark registration offers greater legal protection.

If you choose to pay an attorney, the attorney can help you conduct a trademark search. The trademark search is critical to find out if another business owns the trademark already.

How much does it cost to trademark a name internationally?

The cost of submitting the international trademark application is $100. For the most up-to-date trademark filing fees, check the USPTO website.

How much does it cost to apply for a trademark via the Madrid Protocol?

The easiest way to apply for a trademark in multiple countries is through the Madrid Protocol. The fee for filing an international trademark application via the Madrid Protocol is about $740. In addition, expect to pay between $100 and $850 per country. Each country sets its own filing fee. The legal fees can be $1000 and more, depending on the number of countries you are applying to.

How much does it cost to file a trademark in the EU?

European Trademark (EUTM) covers all EU member countries. After Brexit, the value of EUTM is somewhat diminished. The initial fee for a EUTM trademark application is about $1000 for a single class application. If you want an attorney to assist you with the application, expect to pay about $800 in addition to the filing fee.

What is the cheapest way to trademark?

The cheapest way to trademark is to file with your state. The cost depends on your state, but expect to pay at least $150 for trademark registration.

How much does it cost to apply for a trademark?

The initial trademark application costs between $250 and $350. If you hire an attorney there will be additional legal fees.

There may be additional trademark costs like:

  • Drawing fee
  • Requesting an extension of time to show the use of the trademark
  • Statement of Use Fee
  • Applications for renewal

How do I trademark a name and logo for free?

There is no such thing as free trademark registration. The fact is that you cannot register a trademark for free. Although a “common law trademark” is free, it is not the same as federal trademark registration. The “common law trademark” has a geographic limit which greatly limits its protection of your trademark.

How much does it cost to trademark a business name?

The federal trademark initial application fee for electronic filing is $250 per class of goods or services for TEAS Plus and $350 per class for TEAS Standard. Keep in mind that you can only file for one trademark per application.

Can you trademark a name and logo at the same time?

You can trademark a name and logo at the same time. Keep in mind that each trademark requires its own application.

How much does it cost to trademark a name in the US?

The cost to trademark a name in the US is at least $250. There are two federal trademark filing options:

  1. TEAS Plus – Initial filing fee $250 per class or goods or services.
  2. TEAS Standard* – Initial filing fee $350 per class of goods or services.

TEAS Standard has fewer up-front filing requirements, but you may have to pay a higher fee per class of goods or services.

How much does it cost to trademark in California?

The fee for filing a trademark in the state of California is $70 per classification. A California trademark is significantly cheaper than a federal trademark, but it only protects your brand in California. A federal trademark filing fee can be $350 or more.

How much does it cost to register a logo in California?

Filing a California trademark is only $70.