What Does It Take To Be Successful?

1904, 2022

4 Accounting Tips for the Gig Economy

According to the Office for National statistics, the number of people classed as self-employed in the UK stood at around 4.6 million in 2015. Many of those people are working in the so-called gig economy. There are various drivers behind this trend, including lack of long-term job security in traditional employment and ways modern communications have broken the connection between ‘job’ and ‘location.’ While the gig economy offers working freedom beyond that available in the normal 9 to 5, there are still rules and regulations that must be obeyed. You’re mostly free to work for whom you want, wherever you [...]

1804, 2022

How to Diversify Your Credit Card Rewards

Interest rates and fees are undoubtedly the first aspects to check when applying for a credit card - but rewards and perks are a close second! And yet, only around 30% of credit card holders redeem their rewards or take advantage of the points they have accrued. Could this be because the credit card rewards game has become increasingly harder to navigate over the past years? Certainly. But it is also because many credit card holders don’t build a rewards plan that truly works for them. Here is how to level up your credit card perks through diversification. Start With an [...]

1804, 2022

How to Grow Your Business and Build Your Network Through Twitter

[adrotate group="4"] What does it take to build your business through Twitter? I have invited Gary Loper on Success Harbor to teach us about Twitter. We have focused on growing your network, getting more followers (Gary has over 180,000 followers.), and making real connections.   [adrotate group="2"] Say hi to Gary at garyloper.com.

1704, 2022

Why Your Small B2B Business Should be Using Influencers

Influencer marketing is a practice that is exploding in size and scope, but little has been said about its use in the business-to-business marketing sphere. While traditional social media influencers review products and create content capable of converting interest into sales overnight, things aren't so simple in B2B marketing. Traditional methods require a great deal of research on the part of the consumer, and the sales process can take an average of six months to complete for some products. Below, we'll walk you through how business-to-business influencer marketing works and why your small B2B company should be using this new marketing [...]

1604, 2022

How to Travel the World While Making $20,000 a Month

[adrotate group="4"] What does it take to make $20,000 a month while travelling the world? Dave Schneider and his girlfriend Vicky have been traveling since 2012. Before they took off on their journey they have started acoupletravelers.com, a website dedicated to document their journey as they travel throughout the world.   Their first business income was a $300 advertiser. Last November their revenue was $20,000. Listen and learn from Dave how he makes world travel and business work - Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes:   Read Raw Transcript Now: Success Harbor: Hi everyone. This is George Meszaros with Success [...]

1504, 2022

Is There a “Right Way” and a “Wrong Way” to Get Out of Debt?

A lot of people on the Internet think they have the ultimate solution for how to deal with debt. Some of these strategies are inherently more effective than other. But then there are also things that just don’t work well at all. Here are some “right” and “wrong” ways to get out of debt.[adrotate group="4"] Good Way: Use a Debt Repayment Strategy There’s lots of advice out there for what’s the best way to pay down your debt. Two of the most popular methods are the Snowball and Avalanche approaches. These both have consumers pay off one debt at a [...]

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