What does it take to get a job at The White House?
At age 23 John Corcoran got himself a job as a writer in the Clinton White House without any “insider connections”. How did he do it? John is a master relationship builder. He is living proof that relationships lead to better jobs, more success in business, and a happier life. Being great at what you do doesn’t guarantee success without developing and nurturing your personal network. In this interview John shares what skills it takes to meet and work for high powered CEOs and US Presidents.
Here is a list of topics we have covered in this interview:
- Building your professional network.
- The size of a network you should build.
- The tools John uses to build his business and maintain his network.
- The importance of guest blogging.
- The types of blogs to approach for guest blogging.
- Ways to grow your email subscribers.
- Nurturing your network, and much more.
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About John Corcoran:
John Corcoran has worked in politics. He has written for Forbes, and The Huffington Post. He has create a site called SmartBusinessRevolution.com where he shows small business owners and entrepreneurs how to use relationships to attract more clients, customers and revenues.
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