What does it take to be a global entrepreneur?

Andrew Henderson is a perpetual traveler, international entrepreneur, and citizen of the world.

Every year, Andrew travels to about a dozen countries in search of personal and economic freedom.

Andrew’s mission is to find the best places to live, start a business, and invest.



Say hi to Andrew at nomadcapitalist.com.

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George Meszaros: Hi everyone, this is George Meszaros with Success Harbor and I have Andrew Henderson with me. Andrew is the founder of Nomad’s Capitalist. He is a perpetual traveler, international entrepreneur, and citizen of the world. Welcome.

Andrew Henderson: Thanks for having me, George. Great to be with you.

George Meszaros: Thank you for being here, Andrew. Uh, you have been an entrepreneur from a very early age, uh, that’s from an interview that I watched, um, can you talk about what were some of your earliest businesses – so, your earliest entrepreneurial endeavors?

Andrew Henderson: I mean, it’s interesting – people who are in the US audience and Canadian audience may be familiar with, um, Kevin O’Leary from the show Shark Tank and Dragons Den, and he talks about “have you ever had any successful businesses?” Well, what’s successful? Businesses that made money. And, I was 12 years old, I guess maybe I made a little bit of money, I rode my bike up and down the street looking to do websites back before the internet was in existence, really, before there was anything on it for people selling their home. But, when I was 19 years old, I basically dropped out of college. I was going to a school in the US, you know, I barely even wanted to go, let alone did go, and I started a company that was in the broadcasting field. How people advertised their program, or get their message out in a longer format, like an infomercial. And everyone says, you know, radio’s dead. Don’t be in radio, let alone go into the bowels of radio, and help people with this, you know, low end activity. And it built into a very, very big company and worked with clients ranging from a fortune 50 company to billion dollar direct response companies that were, you know, exclusive clients. Um, after that, you know, I’ve been invested in all sorts of other things, and helped, grow businesses from, you know, home services to, you know, automotive stuff, import export, help the guys start a financial services company. So, I think if you’re an entrepreneur, I think you’re always thinking of what is the business opportunity here? And so one of the things that I do when I’m traveling is, uh, I get a lot of the ringy-dingy of, you know, here’s an opportunity – they’re often very simple. But there are so many opportunities out there, and I think that’s kind of the entrepreneurial mindset.

George Meszaros: So, it’s interesting that you mention all these businesses, because a lot of people struggle with just making one business work, and I interviewed several entrepreneurs that can do it over and over and over. So, what do you think-what is it that-you know, what is it that you have and some of these other entrepreneurs have that you can-it’s really almost regardless of the business, but you just can make it succeed. What are those characteristics?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I think there’s a certain amount of focus, and there’s a certain amount of, you know, visualization, if you can really visualize what is the end goal. You have to understand what it is that the customer wants, and just to visualize the market. But I also think that there’s just an element of, um, you know, just saying, you know what, I’m going to do this. I’m going to make it work. I mean, listen, I’ve, you know, run or overseen perhaps businesses in markets where there was a need for an extra business. There was a need for better businesses and I think that’s one key thing that people could take advantage of. You know, I look at markets like the United States, I see that it’s one of the most you know, one of the most competitive entrepreneurial markets in the world. And then there’s a lot of markets that would not want to enter because they’re way too competitive. What I also look at it and say, you know what, for someone who wants an on the ground business, something simple, something that’s not so sexy, something not tech, for instance, there are plenty of businesses for people who are just doing a poor job. And I think that, um, just being able to see, um, that opening, is the hallmark, like I said, of a serial entrepreneur, the person who, uh, can do it over and over and over again is constantly just seeing that opportunity, knowing how to execute, knowing how to put a team of employees and get everything in place. I really think that the whole aspect of being in business is the hallmark of a successful entrepreneur. Some of the minutiae isn’t necessarily important. In fact I think that there are probably some entrepreneurs that should just be in the business of starting businesses and getting set up and then walking away a year later. That may not be the most entrepreneurial thing to say, but I think that’s what some people’s skill set is-is getting things in motion, doing the big picture stuff, you know, assembling the team and then letting someone else do the nuts and bolts as things get settled.

George Meszaros: It’s almost like when you start a business you’re an entrepreneur but after a while you become a manager,

Andrew Henderson: Right.

George Meszaros: and I think a lot of people don’t want to be managers. (laugh) Especially those guys that just want to start businesses and then sell them, or higher management, to move on to the next channel and so to speak.

Andrew Henderson: Well, obviously, there’s a dedication to continuing and to keeping things going, but I think you’re absolutely right.

George Meszaros: So, I have watched an interview with you and you had mentioned that you would like to invest in unsexy businesses with cash flow, like businesses that other people don’t want to be in. Um, what are some examples of those types of businesses?

Andrew Henderson: We ended to clarify, I mean, I’m a contrarian in general when you look at places to travel, places to live, I mean, I generally just tend to go against the grain and I like that, but you know, I have a club, for example, called the Nomad Society. It’s a group of people who meet up all around the world, and we talk about stuff that we do in Nomad Capitalist, and it’s very important for them. I mean, some of these guys, successful guys, are doing things that I would consider un-sexy. They’re in the garbage business. Or, um, they have parking lots. Um, you know, any kind of business that people aren’t necessarily clamoring to get in. Or like I said, I was in things in the home services field but I mean-at one point I looked at a landscaping company. Why? Because I called about 20 different people to try and get landscaping services, I didn’t get a single person to answer the phone. So I look at some of these these un-sexy businesses, things that people often look down their nose at, you know, maybe someone delivers concrete or something like that. You know, auto refurbishment, car refurbishing. Uh, anything like that – it’s not, you know, tech, it’s not, you know, super models sitting at the front desk it’s not, oh, let’s get in a plane and fly around the world – it’s nitty gritty. I look at those and I say, first of all, the world’s richest, fastest growing cultures are becoming rich in those businesses. You go to China, you go to Southeast Asia, dedicated business culturesÉ that’s what they’re doing. They don’t want something where there’s a super model sitting at the front desk. They want something where they’re getting they’re hands dirty, or their employees are getting their hands dirty, and it’s hard work. Um –

George Meszaros: Do you know- are there any unsexy locations, independent businesses in your experience? For those people that are listening, you know, they want to be location independent.

Andrew Henderson: Well, you know, obviously I think location dependent business is important and that’s a great thing for someone who wants to do what I talked about. I think that by definition something that’s location dependent is kind of sexy, um, you know, it’s an interesting question. Obviously there are certain areas that everyone wants to clamor into. I would say, you know, what is it that everyone is doing? I’m not the best tech expert. You know, the web is our distribution medium to a certain extent, but I’m not the web guru. I would look at where’s everyone else going. I was talking to a young kid on a flight back from Sarajevo recently who was talking about some ideas that he had for internet businesses, but then he said, you know, I wouldn’t do them because, you know, every idea I have, I would search, and there were 92 people doing it. If you can find something that no one else is doing, which is probably a hard thing to do, perhaps that’s the unsexy opportunity, but obviously the whole location independent thing is about people traveling the world and doing thatÉ I think that’s great, but in terms of building a solid business, it makes it a little more sexy.

George Meszaros: It’s funny about competition – that so many people are afraid of competition, but if you talk to venture capitalists, a lot of them won’t even invest unless there is competition. You know, they don’t want to be in a business without competition a lot of times, so, there’s- there are different philosophies on that as well. Some people are really afraid of it, and others don’t want to be in a business without it.

Andrew Henderson: I (uh) think the difference between saying listen, I want to start a company that’s, you know, again, in the landscaping space, I’m going to-and this competition is basically nonexistent, and I know how to run a business and they don’t. When I talk about unsexy businesses, I love getting into those fields, because, yes, you’re opting to compete against thousands of people, but it’s Mom and Pop’s shops, it’s guys, who, they just know how to do the job, but they’re kind of gruff, and they don’t really care about the customers. I mean, I’ve seen these guys in action, their thought process, it’s not an entrepreneurial thought process. It’s not about adding value to the market, whereas I look at the tech field, and, do I want to go and compete with AirBnB? Absolutely not. You’ve got some of the most brutal competition on the planet coming out of North America, whereas, you know, look what happened in Russia with a guy who started VKontakte, I believe it’s called, the Facebook knock off in Russia. Russia isn’t exactly a tiny country like Laos, but here’s a guy who says-here’s the Facebook model, I’m going to rip it off and do it Russia. That’s what I talk about doing oversees -we can get into that later – but that’s why I’m not a huge competition fan in sexier businesses.

George Meszaros: Uh, you wrote – this is on your website (yeah) – you wrote that your mission is simple, find the best places to live, start a business, and invest, and in your opinion, what are the best places to live and do business today?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I just spent about 5 months traveling through Europe – Eastern, Southeastern Europe, I was admittedly underwhelmed. I think there are some opportunities there, but I think the market probably wouldn’t, um, want to take advantage of all the things that you could bring there. I’m extremely bullish on Asia and Southeast Asia. I think China’s fantastic, it’s a great business culture, certainly you’ve got enough people there, it would be tough forÉ uh, you go to Vietnam, you go to Cambodia is one of my favorites, um, even Malaysia, uh, perhaps Indonesia. Those are places that are, uh, you know, booming. And, you can run a business pretty easily. The people there are pretty open to you coming. For example, in places like Cambodia, I was in a store, any grocery store trying to buy food or trying to buy a shampoo – everything is in French, or English, because there’s just not this great need to print things in the local language, in Khmer, and people don’t really want things necessarily in Khmer. I mean, if someone’s gonna go to like a western style grocery storeÉthey want something in French that’s a level of quality, an indicator of quality. That’s a country where you can enter the market and it’s just – there’s just such an ease to it. Or a time that will dilute, but, I mean, I look at markets in Asia. They’re booming, they like foreign stuff, they don’t have a lot of that foreign stuff, there’s not a lot of the competition. Colombia in South America is one that everyone is talking about in my circle. It’s the number two most free economy in South America, and I love countries like that, because again, the contrarian angle. I was just at a dinner last night with some friends who are very intelligent people; they read the news, they know what’s going on, but what do they say? “Oh yeah, all the drug money running through there.” It’s really not what’s going on anymore. It’s just like people saying oh, Vietnam is getting attacked by the US forces. Or, Cambodia, look what happened there. Or Nicaragua, people say they had a civil war. All this stuff happened 30 years ago, people still think it’s happening, and therefore, that makes it easier for people to go in and do business. So those are probably 5 of my favorite places.

George Meszaros: OK. Yeah, um, I just wanted to bring this up as a side note; what do you think of the fact that only about a third of Americans actually have passports, and that number should actually be a lot smaller; it’s only bigger because now we have to have passports to go to Mexico and Canada. Before we needed that, it was only about 20 to 25 percent. Uh, and then, that to me is important because it feels like Americans are so misinformed a lot of times and I think that’s maybe because they don’t travel so much, but why do you think that number is so small?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I have to say, because I – I never complained, as an entrepreneur, I never complained about reality. I really try to work around it. I mean, I’m having a conference, a Passport to Freedom conference in Cancun, with the best attended conference in the offshore world last year, and now I’m saying, you know what? Forget this kind of Mexico and people who aren’t with us, they just won’t be able to come. Um, why is it? I mean, listen, I think that the US’s government and just US society has done the best job of any culture on earth of brainwashing its citizens. Again, I was at a dinner with some friends, and they were asking me, what are the laws for property in Mexico? What are the rules to buy property? And then they said, well, I hear in the United States that there are squatters who can come in and sit in your property and take over, and you can’t get rid of them. And I have to imagine it’s really bad in Mexico too, but it’s like, hold on a second! You’re saying Mexico is so bad because the United States is so bad and it has to be the same. Well no, it only means the United States is bad. Yet, there’s just this brainwashing. Perhaps because it’s so isolated, there’s not a lot of country surrounding it, that it’s the best country, nothing else can be worse. Look, I mean, I saw something the other day; most Americans learn about how good the government is from their government. So what does that mean? It means they aren’t going to be very critical thinkers. When I go around the world, you go to a place like China, they realize that the problems with government, and they’re trying to get around that, and the US it’s this thing of you know, it’s bad, but we’re still the best place on Earth. I think it’s bad for entrepreneurship. No one ever wants to leave, no one ever wants to explore. Uh, because they think it can’t get any better. Um, you know, why don’t people travel? Like, hey, I don’t know, there’s so much to see, why leave the perfect country? We’ve got it all here.

George Meszaros: What do you say to-to those that, you know, that feel that it’s very difficult and sometimes even impossible to do business in a foreign environment? I mean, you mentioned, you know, Lao-you know, Cambodia, or some of these other places, you know, and you don’t speak the language, you have no idea about the culture. How do even go about starting a business, or even if you just want to invest in a business, what advice do you have for those?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I mean, you’ve got some of these places – my gosh, Vietnam. My friend Dane Andrews, I’m always mentioning this on interviews, but he lived there for a long time, and he thinks that really, the English is catching up with that of, say, the Philippines, which is another economy that if you can tolerate some of the things that, you know, the pace there, it’s probably not a bad place. Um, but, I mean, Vietnam. Is he right? I don’t know, but certainly, English is really coming to the forefront there. I have lots of friends in Vietnam that I’m talking to about what’s going on, they speak perfect english. They’re working in jobs, you know, doing sales, and doing stuff – catering to expats some of them, but some of them are just catering to the local market. They just have to be bilingual – it’s just a growing thing. So I think English speaking is growing. Um, look, I have to say there are certain economies that are more welcoming than others, but I think focusing on smaller, under appreciated, underrated economies, you’ll have a better chance for success. It’s just like anything else, I mean, no business is, you know, 100% perfect, no business is 100% easy. But, you know, I look at trading the challenges of lots of competition, high costs, high regulations. All the things that I’ve seen even embrace simple businesses. All right, you get rid of all of that, and you go and you deal with a little bit of culture shock. You know, that’s your business as an entrepreneur. You gotta be on the ground, you gotta know how things work, I mean, that’s your intelligence. Um, that’s how you have to propel things forward, it’s understanding the market. I mean, you need to know what the market is for your business to make sure it works, but for me, you know, trading all the nonsense in the Western World for a little bit of a learning curve that you could each shorten by bringing in a foreign partner, by bringing in an expat who’s lived there. You know, to me it’s a pretty good trade off. So, um, you know, I look at some of these economies and I see that there are things that are so desperately needed or wanted that the learning curve is probably pretty short because there’s stuff that you’ve been familiar with for 30 years that they want but don’t have.

George Meszaros: Yeah, I mean, you know, America is kind of built on that whole concept, but somehow it’s just not in the culture anymore, or not so much. You know, it’s about going to places that were unknown to you and actually making it. It’s not really about finding a job. It was about really building a life for yourself.

Andrew Henderson: It’s funny that everything – that you know, there you go, what do people do. And they say, you know, God bless the Founding Fathers, and God bless the pilgrims, and without them, we’d have no country. And then they say, I can’t believe all these people are leave- all these expats, they want to leave the country, they want to go somewhere else, I can’t believe these people – it’s like, well, wait a second. The people that you admire so much, they took a risk. They went somewhere new, they did something different. They said, you know what, our country, the way things are, it’s not working. So we’re going to go and do something different. And then they made it, and they figured it out. That’s exactly what the opportunities right now are. I’m not saying it’s easy. I’m not saying it’s the easiest thing in the world, but, um, you know, you have to go and you have to figure out – the question is, does the potential reward outweigh the cost, and I think for someone who wants to be in business, I mean, yes.

George Meszaros: So, uh, let’s talk about Nomad Capitalist. When you started it, what were your goals with Nomad Capitalist? And what-what year did you start it?

Andrew Henderson: Eh, it’s almost two years old now. I’m an investor, I’m a – like you said, an entrepreneur, I love the idea of investing in other businesses, I’ve done that with a pretty good amount of success in the United States. I mean, I’ve never had a business that lost money. So, you know, I wanted to go around the world and replicate that model. I started writing about it for fun. And it was interesting-within ten or eleven months we had a quarter million people that month come to our site, and it’s like, okay, wow – you know, people are clamoring for something. And that’s when we decided to, uh, host a conference and have Peter Schiff come, and we had the, I think, like I said, the biggest, best attended conference in the space of a year. Um, and, I never expected that to happen. I just figured, oh, I’m going to go around and I’m going to figure out where to invest by money in Laos. and ultimately, it worked out well for me because I am still doing some of that stuff, not as much as I originally thought, but there are so many opportunities that deemed the guy to aggravate them is, I think just as interesting because, you know, practically wherever I turn, there’s something interesting going on.

George Meszaros: So, how do you -I mean, there are other sites out there that talk about similar things, but, you know, you’ve managed to build quite a large following. So what do you think is the difference between your sites and other sites, how do you promote Nomad’s Capitalist, what do you think makes the difference?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I look at, I mean, on the internet certainly, if you have a quality product, people are going to find it, that’s just the nature of the internet, or really, anything. You know, I look at it as a business. And, I mean, there’s always ways to differentiate your business. I mean, we were just talking about the other day – about the real estate market. I mean, look at real estate agents. When the market’s on fire, they say, you gotta get in when it’s on fire, you’re never going to get these prices ever again, it’s going nowhere but up. And then when the market crashes, they say, well, look at these all-time lows, you have to get in now. (laugh) you know, there’s always different ways to depict something. I’ve chosen to come out and be totally transparent, and say, you know, here’s who I am, I’m going to do videos, I’m going to show my face at conferences, I’m going to be an authentic guy with a real story, I’m gonna come on and do interviews, and talk to people, and share the information. And that’s my business model. I feel that people want transparency, they want to know someone who they can like, and I’m sure some people don’t like me. And, just like any business, you know, my model doesn’t appeal to everyone. Um, you know, I chose this. I think it’s the right thing to do, I think it’s the right way to build trust, but I also think that as a business model, it differentiates me from guys who, you know, want to, you know, use synonyms and not show their face, and there’s multiply guys who do that. Or guys who – it’s just an amalgamation, you know, kind of a faceless entity of guys who, you know, they’re all just writing about how to go and live on a beach somewhere. Look, you know, I wanted to do something personality based. And, so that’s a business decision – is you know, again, you can do it with any other company. You could, you know, you could run, like I said, a landscaping company where, hey, I’m Andrew, I’m the owner of the landscaping company. You know, here I am on the website, with my big face, and here’s my wife and my kids. Or, you could just be the guy who’s behind the scenes, you know. What strategy do you think is appropriate for that business? Um, there’s always a strategy that appeals to some section of the market.

George Meszaros: So, you were published in the Washington Post, the Huffington post, and you know, several other, um, alias publications (yeah), what advice do you have for our audience to get into those types of publications? What should they do, what- what gets you noticed?

Andrew Henderson: Well, you know, I hate to sound like a-like an online entrepreneur when I say this because I think that there’s a lot of hype online where it’s just like, if you just do good, good will happen to you, and that’s not always the case – you have to go out and create action and business. I think in those cases when we weren’t looking for it, it actually happened. I think that – you know, the lesson perhaps isn’t as touchy-feely as some online people want to say it is – if you just, you know, it’s good karma. But, that, when you’re out there, and running your business effectively, and focus on what it is that people want, then people who want it are going to find it and some of those people are going to be from the Huffington Post, from the Blaze, from the Business Journal, from, you know, wherever else, um, and so, you know, again, what is the audience that you’re trying to reach now? You know, like, am I a little bit surprised to be in the Huffington Post? Perhaps. But, I mean, I ultimately think, I mean, look at what I do. I’m a personality based, kind of, site, where I’m out there. Where, perhaps, I’m an easier target, for better or for worse, for people who want to say oh, here’s what the offshore world is talking about, here’s what people who are investing overseas, or leaving the United States, are talking about, here’s the guy who you can, you know, pin this on. And I think that your strategy is probably important into, you know, do you want to be recognized? What’s important, I would argue that someone like myself was more accessible, who you can point to and say, there’s this guy, look at that-look at that guy with his tie, and he’s stuffy, and he’s, you know, yeah, he looks like an offshore guy. (laugh) That maybe makes me more of a target and gives me more publicity than guys who don’t want to be so accessible. So I think it’s all in your strategy. But, I mean focusing on what the market wants, or, yeah, what the market wants, people in your market will find it, they’ll like it, people outside of your market will publicize it in a bad way, but I mean, I think it’s all good.

George Meszaros: So basically, these publications then find you as opposed to you doing outreach, and you know, push your story onto them, so to speak?

Andrew Henderson: Yeah, I’m a big believer in doing PR and getting the message out, and I’ve run businesses where it’s all outbound, and we’re reaching out to people cause you have to, but, uh, yeah, in this case, people have all come to me, you know, we’ve written stuff that was quotable, or that, you know, made an interesting point, or that was, you know, controversial. And I think-by the way, I think you should apply that to any business. I have a friend who I helped start a financial services business. They do, um, I don’t know, couple million dollars over the last couple years. And, uh, just kind of a small boutique service. And I said, listen. Why don’t you guys just kind of – a more straight, centrist, middle of the road guy, doesn’t get too uptight, pretty laid back. The other guy, you know, really politically conservative in the US, says you guys – you know, you’re doing a radio show, you got your website, you got your blogs, you guys should be like the yin and yang. One of you should be screaming and yelling about the democrats and how it’s all going to pot, and then the other one should be more levelheaded, and center of the road. And the center of the road guy will attract the center of the road guys, and the screaming and yelling guy will attract you know, the people who are really fed up with what’s going on – the tea party types, for instance. Um, you know, I think having an identity is important. Having a brand identity. Trying to be milk-toast isn’t going to work.

George Meszaros: Yeah. Um, you know, I am very interested in the first one to two years of business. So I try to ask this of everyone that I interview – what do you think is the most important thing for entrepreneurs to do during the first twelve months of being in business? What do you think they should focus on most of their energies?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I mean, I think whatever has to be done to totally dominate that market. And I think- I mean, for me, um, especially in an on the ground business, yeah, I mean, that’s somewhere I would want to be giving the message out. But I think that, I mean, we have to look at, like, the foundation, okay? You’re building a house. You know, I think a lot of people focus on stuff that’s not important, or that’s later in the building process. What is the foundation of the business? You need the team. You know, maybe your starting the business with just yourself, but then you need a team, you need to build the team. I see so many entrepreneurs, especially these smaller or un-sexier businesses, they have no clue on how to hire. They just add hawk-hire, they hire the first person who calls them, they don’t really know the proper techniques. So, what’s the foundation is – it’s hiring, it’s getting the basic marketing practices in a place that are scalable, it’s, you know, getting everything into place that can be scaled. And you have to realize, you know, you are in business. You know, when I talk to – you know, entrepreneurs around the world, they seem to think, well, I’m in this business, so I’m not really in business. No. If you’re going to grow a scalable business that’s going to grow, you know, you have to have the proper people in place, cause one person, I mean, when I started a business, like I said, home services, we hired one guy, and basically made him the manager, and I-and I just sat back and let him you know, somewhat run stuff. If he had split, the whole thing would’ve tanked, it wouldn’t have made 2200 percent return in thirteen or fourteen months running that business, cause the rest of the team grew from that. So you have to look at like – you gotta to be HR, you gotta be marketing, you have to understand the best practices in all those aspects in business, cause if you’re not, you’re just gonna get squashed.

George Meszaros: Ok. Um, also, I’m very interested in being productive, especially, you know, when you start a business, first couple of years. What do you think is the biggest time waster for entrepreneurs?

Andrew Henderson: You know, that’s a-that’s a good question. Um, I think people who, again, are focusing on the wrong things, they see people who, um, again, this is why I talk about unsexy businesses. I mean, people get into these businesses that, like, they like the glitz and the glamour, and they go and they focus on all of the wrong things. They focus on doing too many things at once. I look at, you know, what’s the singular goal? You know, make a list of goals and go to them one at a time. Singular focus, you know, simple goals, big impactful goals, all the stuff on the periphery. And you know, that’s harder to find that could be in someone’s business, but you know, if you don’t have television, and you’re not lazy – you’re focused on what’s going on and achieving one main thing, I think that the problem, um, too many distractions, not enough focus – we can all suffer from that at some point, and we are, you know, entrepreneurs of probably a, you know, an ADHD or OCD lot, but, um, you gotta be super focused – it’s probably as specific as I can be for just any business in general.

George Meszaros: Ok. Now, If, uh, if somebody came to you, like a friend of family member, and they saw your success as an entrepreneur, you know, especially, for you as, you know, trying to do business or doing business all over the world, what do you think is the best or the most – best advice you could give that person if they wanted to replicate that success?

Andrew Henderson: Well, I think everyone replicates success in their own way, or differently. I mean, what I’ve done is a measure of my personality. Um, you know, I’ve started things, some have lasted for years, some lasted a year and then they were sold. So, I really fit that more serial entrepreneur build. On the other hand, I know of people who have started one business, and have made, you know, five, ten million dollar businesses. People who you wouldn’t think that person is a natural entrepreneur, but, you look at it, and you know, they might not be that good at going and starting a business every year, but they have this staying power, so you have to figure out, you know, what is- what’re you doing, you know, if you’re passionate about something and just want to do if for 25 years, 30, 40 years, and you have the ability to execute on that one concept, you know, that’s important. I mean, the most advice – the best advice is to just go out and do it. I mean, that’s what entrepreneurship is, you know, go out and do something. For me personally, I never really had a job. Um, so, I was 19, I was able to start a business. And, I love a cash-flow business like I said, you know, how can I bring in cash right away? You know, what does that involve? It involves doing things most people don’t want to do. I’m all for internet businesses, but, you know, you look at people who – I-I know dozens of guys who have made tons of money online, and I’ve met all the people who are trying to be like them. If it’s hard to make a thousand dollars or two thousand dollars a month online, find a way to pick up a phone and sell people. Cause that’s what I did, and, you know, and made money instantly. Um, so get out of your comfort zone, that’s what you have to do. I mean, if you’re online, how can you think of it as not just an online business? We have an online business, but we also sell things, you know, B to B or on the phone, and if all we did was commerce and shopping carts, we’d miss out in tens of thousands of dollars sometimes a month, in opportunities, because, oh, we’re not a business that picks up a phone, we do all things with clicks. No. So the point is, get started doing something, get it in motion and figure out a way to bring in the money very quickly. That’s the only way you have to succeed. And whatever you have to do to bring the money in – phone, emails, reaching out to people, going to conferences, whatever.

George Meszaros: Sounds good. Thank you for, uh, sharing your wisdom with our audience today, Andrew. How can people connect with you or find out more about Nomad Capitalist?

Andrew Henderson: Well, they can go to the website, of course, Nomad Capitalist. We’ve got some free materials that we gave out that goes into a lot of depth actually, perhaps too much depth on some of the countries, for example, but I like it. For different things, I really believe in using countries for different purposes, so if someone says, oh, we should move from the US and then go to Australia and do everything in Australia, that’s not what I really believe in. I believe in diversifying around the world uh, but they go to Nomad Capitalist.com, they can learn more – I think we’ve got a special offer when they sign up for the newsletter, which is free. And then, you know, we’ve got conferences, you know, from around the world, like this Passport to Freedom conference, which is a great way to meet other people, and network, and learn this stuff, but, um, as in any business, just getting started is the most important element.

George Meszaros: Well Andrew, thank you very much, I appreciate your time today, I learned a lot from you, and I’m sure our audience as well, and I wish you much success with Nomad Capitalist and your travels.

Andrew Henderson: Thanks so much, George.

George Meszaros: Thank you.